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Intelligent Voice has Become a New Engine for the Development of Consumer Electronics.

Veröffentlicht Veröffentlicht: Apr 28, 2023      Consumer Electronics      Aktie:

With the spread of the Internet concept, and the rapid development of artificial intelligence, China's patent in intelligent voice technology continues to grow; through the huge user base and the Internet system advantage is obvious, the domestic intelligent voice companies have occupied a place. Intelligent Voice also through the voice recognition system, intelligent voice interaction system, voice data storage system, intelligent data statistical integration, etc. And the so-called intelligent Voice, mainly based on a large number of voice data collection and collation, through intelligent analysis, in the form of Voice to accept the order and implementation, is an intelligent system to the user response in the form of Voice.


Intelligent Voice

Intelligent Voice, as the new engine of consumer electronics development, in the exhibition, will attract a lot of attention; the intelligent voice system has a self-learning function, not only according to its own database to actively extract effective information, but the system of self-improvement; at the same time it can also provide users with a more simple and convenient form of use, just intelligent Voice embedded in intelligent devices, through the next popular CRM system, to achieve the human and machine communication, exchange. And with the change of the period and the development of science and technology, more and more people advocate the "foolish" manipulation and the emergence of intelligent voice systems so that the personal use of the end and the use of corporate users become "extremely simple."


intelligent voice technology

Intelligent voice assistant applications continue to penetrate, also making China's intelligent voice market scale to further enhanced. At present, China is accelerating the layout of artificial intelligence and has released a series of policies on artificial intelligence, creating a favorable environment for the development and application of intelligent Voice. At the same time, Chinese enterprises in the field of intelligent voice performance, innovation, and entrepreneurship are increasingly active; Sogou intelligent Voice and a number of leading backbone enterprises accelerate the growth of international attention and recognition. Many famous domestic enterprises, such as Jingdong, Huawei, and Lenovo, will also exhibit a strong lineup to show the new development of consumer electronics industry integration.


intelligent voice

AI intelligent voice has now been applied to various industries, such as finance and insurance, telemarketing, customer service centers, Internet industry, authorities, recruitment, and training, etc., and life is closely related to the Internet, Internet of things, car networking era, intelligent Voice will become the next generation of human-computer interaction new entrance, to promote the growth of the whole artificial intelligence.

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